
Train Vs Grain Truck

Incredible video of grain truck getting owned by a train.

Train Vs Grain Truck



These two guys get their asses POUNDED, and as you will see they deserve it.



Google developing eavesdropping software

Audio 'fingerprint' for content relevant ads

Comment The first thing that came out of our mouths when we heard that Google is working on a system that listens to what's on your TV playing in the background, and then serves you relevant adverts, was "that's cool, but dangerous".

The idea appeared in Technology Review citing Peter Norvig, director of research at Google, who says these ideas will show up eventually in real Google products - sooner rather than later.

The idea is to use the existing PC microphone to listen to whatever is heard in the background, be it music, your phone going off or the TV turned down. The PC then identifies it, using fingerprinting, and then shows you relevant content, whether that's adverts or search results, or a chat room on the subject.

And, of course, we wouldn’t put it past Google to store that information away, along with the search terms it keeps that you've used, and the web pages you have visited, to help it create a personalised profile that feeds you just the right kind of adverts/content. And given that it is trying to develop alternative approaches to TV advertising, it could go the extra step and help send "content relevant" advertising to your TV as well.

We suspect that such a world would be rather eerie, with a constant feeling of déjà vu every time anyone watched TV.

Technology Review said Google talked about this software in Europe last June, and that it breaks sound into a five-second snippets to pick out audio from a TV, reducing the snippet to a digital "fingerprint", which it matches on an internet server.

Given the furore caused when AOL released searches on the internet, there might be more than a few civil liberties activists less than happy for Google to put this idea into practice. Also, given that Google provides the software link between its search software and the microphone, it's a small step to making the same link to any webcams attached to the PC.

Pretty soon the security industry is going to find a way to hijack the Google feed and use it for full on espionage.

Google says that its fingerprinting technology makes it impossible for the company (or anyone else) to eavesdrop on other sounds in the room, such as personal conversations, because the conversion to a fingerprint is made on the PC, and a fingerprint can't be reversed, as it's only an identity.

But we should think that "spyware" might take on an extra meaning if someone less scrupulous decided on a similar piece of software.

The Google program converts sound into graphs, weeds out background noise, and reduces the graphs to key features that can then be translated into just four bytes of information, so that the fingerprints for an entire year of television programming would add up to no more than a few gigabytes, the company said.

Meanwhile, in an unconnected announcement this week, Google said it has signed a multi-year agreement with online auction giant eBay, to provide text-based advertising outside the US.

The companies also plan to launch a "click-to-call" advertising function on eBay using Skype and Google Talk.

source - The Register


Open source "gaining enormous momentum"

seems like open source is gaining momentum in the software industry.

Open source "gaining enormous momentum"

Ninja Remote

As a big fan of geek toys I must show you my ninja remote. I am going to drive my neighbor craaaazy. No more late night parties when his TV and stereo keep turning off.

(evil grin)

Ninja Remote


Mobile Spy Tool (With Video)

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Mobile Spy Tool (With Video)

Let's suppose you have a keylogger installed on "your" computer. Would you mind? There are a number of factors to consider: who is the owner of the computer, where is it physically located, and what are the local laws in effect? If it's at work and provided to you by your employer in a country with no laws against it, then you might mind - but there's nothing you can do about it. However - if we were speaking of your personal computer located in your own home - then of course you would mind. You might even be outraged.

How about your phone?

For the last several weeks we've been researching monitoring tools and spy applications that run on the Symbian OS as well as on other mobile phone platforms. And what we have discovered is rather interesting.

We originally thought that such software would still be a rather limited phenomenon and that there would be only a couple vendors making spy tools for smartphones. But it turns out that there's quite a cottage industry that has been lying low and by and large has been able to escape attention. We found that there are several vendors either making software for Symbian smartphones or are making hardware-modified versions of just about any phone available. All phones and software we found provided a rather similar set of features.

A typical feature set includes SMS forwarding, SMS and voice call log information, remote listening, covert conference calling, and some even include localization services. This basically means that if the victim has a full-featured spy application installed on their phone, they have no privacy whatsoever and that the one controlling the software has access to all of the information that the phone has.

The spy software vendors state that their software should be used only in accordance of local laws. And that a typical application for such tools is to keep track of your spouse (in order to catch possible cheating), or to monitor your children, or just to keep track of your own phone use.

But of course the vendors take no responsibility for how their software is actually used, and in many countries such monitoring is viewed as gross violation of personal privacy and can end up in a jail sentence. And these tools have darker uses such as industrial espionage, identity theft, or stalking.

Play Acallno Demo

In this video (WMV) (XviD) we demonstrate the use of one of the monitoring programs that we are investigating - Acallno.A. It's an SMS spying tool that forwards all sent or received messages to an additional number configured by the individual who installed it on the target phone.

We have added the detection of Acallno.A into F-Secure Mobile Anti-Virus as spyware. Acallno.A is a pseudonym for the real software name. We are in the business of informing our customers of what is running on their phone, not promoting commercial spy utilities.

Acallno.A is limited by the target device’s IMEI code, so you have to familiar access to the phone and cannot just sneak it onto just anyone’s phone. And it cannot be just included into trojan or other method of mass installation.

As monitoring tools are not always illegal, and there might be legal uses for Acallno.A or any other such software, it is possible for users to release the detected spyware so that Anti-Virus allows for its use. If you really want to do that, then please consult the product documentation.


ASUS meet Bit Torrent - Finally

It seems that ASUS has finally answered my prairs in giving upon the earth the all mighty ASUS WL-700gE Router and WL 100-W Adapter

Which features the next in wireless technology and carries a hefty 160 GB hard drive built right in. But that is not the best part - best part is that it has a built in platform that runs bit torrent downloads without the need of a PC and then dubs as a media hub giving it easy access to your already existing wireless network. So any media pc/laptop can pick it up. And for all of us that have used bit torrent you can agree it will be nice work off of the hard drive that is shredded by torrent use. Anyway enough with posting, just check out the link put above - as well as here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here here and here and here


Jet Beetle


this is the kwls bug I have ever seen.


Just some pics of the family

the master is unveiled

 Posted by Picasa


Death of the Internet

Well I had a long post typed out by F%$@* Internet Explorer decided to prompt me and ask me if I want to allow pop ups for this site after I hit spell check button, I say yes and all my data in that page was gone. So this is bascially what I said. (another reason to use Firefox over IE)

Greed has hit an all time low. They are trying to pass a law to allow ISP companies do dictact whoes web site pulls up faster or at all. Right now YOU have the right to see what ever site your heart desires. But if this passes YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO. You will only see the sites that have paid big money to your ISP. It is amazing, every person supporting is getting paid out of this deal. You don't hear anybody who does't stand to make millions off of this telling you this is a good idea. What good can come out of this other than some companies making MORE millions. Did they all of a sudden go broke and now need some quick way making cash? Or is it just the fact that greed has consumed these people so much that they would kill the essence of the internet. It would kill the american dream for small business who want to start their pressence on the internet. Now they will have to take out a loan just to have their site seen. There is NO motivation for good on this move, just greed. It seems like they are trying to claim that they extra money made will go to "upgrading" the "creaky" internet. YEAH RIGHT. Will go straight in their pockets. The people will never seen this money in use unless they have a nice view of their new yatch!!!!


And please don't read into the BS of this guy - Who is paying off this idiot?

Death to corperate greed.
Long live the Internet.


Symantec vs Microsoft


Symantec vs Microsoft

WTF of the Week

Canadian Recording Artists Ask for Your Help

in Saving a Young Woman From Execution

In Iran an 18-year-old named Nazanin is sentenced to be put to death by hanging. Her crime? Defending herself and her 16-year-old niece from being raped by three men. During the attack she drew a knife and stabbed one of the attackers. In doing so she succeeded in driving the attackers off and saved the two of them from whatever fate awaited them at the hands of the three men.

She was subsequently arrested, tried and found guilty of a crime. At her trial she said in her defense; "I wanted to defend myself and my niece. I did not want to kill that boy. At the heat of the moment I did not know what to do because no one came to our help." Her appeals have failed and without severe pressure from outside sources she will die for this "crime".

The girls' only alternative would have been to submit to the rape and not report it. Why? because if they reported it and could not produce enough male witnesses to confirm that it had indeed been a rape, then the Sharia Court would treat it as a case of adultery and the girls would have been severely punished, especially if a child had been conceived through the rape. The punishment for women or girls who have premarital sex is 100 lashes. Since it WAS a rape, the real (mental) punishment would have been much more severe than that, and lasted for the rest of the victims' lives.

Canadian recording artist Nazanin, who shares a name and a homeland with this young woman, has been championing the cause for some time now. This story in the National Review Online contains an interview with the Artist Nazanin. But the hour for her namesake is at hand and nearly all options have been exhausted.

Today Nazanin, along with fellow Canadian Artists Biff Naked, Britt Black, The Vincent Black Shadow and their record company, Bodog Music, sent out urgent bulletins to all their MySpace friends asking for people to sign a petition in the hope that enough worldwide public pressure will force the Iranian courts to abandon or reduce the sentence. If you would like to lend your name to this petition you can do so by going to this page. It won't cost you a cent, just a few moments of your time and those few moments might save the life of a young woman who is sentenced to die for the crime of self-defense.

This Correction came in after the story was published from the Artist Nazanin: We have just been notified that this is the status:

"Nazanin's fate will be decided at the end of this week or next week by the Supreme Court. If they decide to go ahead with the sentence, she could be executed by hanging in less than 2 weeks."

For another source on this story I offer this piece from Iran Focus. In the story another girl is mentioned, a 16 year old. Her crime was to be "less than chaste". She has already been hanged....



Symantec against Microsoft

Symantec against Microsoft

This is scary, kind of like your body guards fighting each other, while not protecting you. These are two companies that you hope would work good together.


An Inconvenient Truth

An Inconvenient Truth

even the trailer is scary........................


911 Video Released - Finally

Here is the CNN article that talks about the release of the video that was held for so long. Even the CNN article acts like they see a Boeing jet in this video. I will be perfectly honest, I DON"T SEE IT. I see something white and about the size of a Cruise Missile , but I do not see a Boeing 757.

Don't piss in my pocket and tell me its raining!!!

Quote from article:

"Sources said in 2002 that the FBI confiscated a hotel security camera video that showed the attack on the Pentagon. It's not known if that tape is being released."

shame on Bush!!!


Car that runs on water

Car that runs on water
Wasn't there a movie on this concept? Chain Reaction, I do believe.


Ask.com Desperation is a stinky cologne

This is funny. Not only becausde I am a google fan, but basically the Ask.com search engine sucks. Half the time I don't see the heavily bragged about preview link that allows you to see the page before going to it. Ask.com could not hold Google's jock strap in the Search/Inforamtion market. And the new commercial from Ask.com shows how stinky desperation can be. The commercial has a kid who is barley old enough to know what a computer is, was trying to tell me how Ask.com is better than google.com. Trying to say that because it is popular does not mean it is better. Uh well yes it does. Popularity can only suggest that it is better, cause there is a reason why everybody uses them. And he used an example of a search, Poets. He said google would probably just show a bunch of things about Poets if you try and search for a paticular poet. WHAT? I did a search on Google.com for edgar allen poe and got all kind of info for Edgar Allen Poe. Plus it sectioned off for Poems or Biography. Bottom line shows bad taste for a commercial to mention the name of their competitor in their commercial, instead of making a general reference. Desperation is a stinky cologne.



A very bad day

but still funny as hell

It's Peanut Butter Federline Time

This is too damn funny!!!

It's Peanut Butter Federline Time


Great Guiness Beer Commercial

This is awesome!!!


Incredible Machines


strangely addictive


Base Jumping

my heart was pounding while viewing this video

Killer Bike Video

Iran president says U.N. sanctions unlikely

So putting sanctions on a country that has a mentally challenged president wanting to develop nuclear weapons is a mistake
This guy is a frigen moron. If you remember he is the guy who was saying the holocaust was a myth

Killer Chimps

So now we have killer chimps running the streets. Dibs on movie rights!!!


Anit Aids Gel

Hmm Anit Aids Gel......sounds creapy


Darwin Award - Headache Diagnosed

Doc's diagnosis: Nail gun caused headache

PORTLAND, Oregon (AP) -- An Oregon man who went to a hospital complaining of a headache was found to have 12 nails embedded in his skull from a suicide attempt with a nail gun, doctors say.

Surgeons removed the nails with needle-nosed pliers and a drill, and the man survived with no serious lasting effects, according to a report on the medical oddity in the current issue of the Journal of Neurosurgery.

The unidentified 33-year-old man was suicidal and high on methamphetamine last year when he fired the nails -- up to 2 inches in length -- into his head one by one.

The nails were not visible when doctors first examined the man in the emergency room of an unidentified Oregon hospital a day later. Doctors were surprised when X-rays revealed six nails clustered between his right eye and ear, two below his right ear and four on the left side of his head.

The study did not say how long the nails were, and a hospital spokeswoman refused to release that information. A photo published in the study suggests the nails range from 1 1/2 to 2 inches long.

No one before is known to have survived after intentionally firing so many foreign objects into the head, according to the report, written by Dr. G. Alexander West, the neurosurgeon who oversaw the treatment of the patient.

The man at first told doctors he had had a nail gun accident, but later admitted it was a suicide attempt.

The nails came close to major blood vessels and the brain stem but did not pierce them. The patient was in remarkably good condition when he was transferred to Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, where the nails were removed.

The patient was later transferred to psychiatric care and stayed under court order for nearly a month before leaving against doctors' orders.

CNN Article


Bizarre baby born in Nepal

Bizzare Baby Birth

wow.......I......I.....just cant stop looking at it.


Bush gets criticized during public speaking

A guy by the name of Harry Taylor got to stand up and slam the president with heart-felt comments



Dell Buys Alienware - Holy Smokes


did not see that one coming.


CIA Email - This is too funny



Google Earth 1st Posting - UFO Sighting (really)

Ok so I have been adicted to Google Earth. Not even going to go into it because I am sure you already know how kwl it is....

You can go to Google Site Seeing where you can posts for things discovered.

My first is a UFO. Dats right UFO. At least that is what it looks like to me.


Damon Waynes Denied Trademark

Damon Waynes Denied Trademark

WASHINGTON - It appears that Homey D. Clown still has a few tricks up his sleeve. You remember Homey -- the nutty street clown on the comedy show "In Living Color" who kept kiddies at birthday parties in line by whomping them over the head with a heavy sock and saying, "Homey don't play that."

The character disappeared when the show's run ended in 1994, but the guy who portrayed him, Damon Wayans, is still around. He recently starred in the now-canceled ABC sitcom "My Wife and Kids" and is trying to launch a hip-hop clothing line -- with a trademark that rapper Jay-Z famously rhymed with "Jigga."

But the U.S. Patent and Trademarkffice don't play that. Its blunt rejection of Wayans -- twice so far -- amounts to its own sock over the head. Officials won't comment on their decision, but trademark attorney Paul Fleischut of St. Louis says the dismissal is a no-brainer.

Child Ring Busted!!!


these people need to be thrown in a room, tortured for a few years and then shot in the head.

normally i dont post the ugly in life but this really hits a sore spot in me as it should in any human being.


Brillant Webmaster @ Target


can you tell me what is wrong with this picture?


Thank god somebody is on our side!!!


I feel a little bit safer.

shame on bush!!!


Deadly Nurse


"Judge Paul W. Armstrong than handed down the 11 consecutive life sentences. Parole is out of the question, since Cullen, 46, will not be eligible until he has served 397 years."

397 years...that is about the same time frame my job quoted me for a raise.

oh well


My Friend Howard is great......

but he sucks at HTML.


Kangaroo Fun


Can we please get another president? PLEASE


somewhere in Texas there is a village missing an idiot.

- me


Interesting info on the new IE v7



Cimba Lawson - Thanks for taking it in Stride

Simba was a good cat....
Was a good friend of mine...
I never understood a single word he said
But I helped him drink his wine
And he always had some mighty fine wine...

We'll miss you Simba, thanx for being a good buddy!

Cimba Lawson


Isn't technology great!!!


Offical Super Bowl story


YES YES YES Fight it Holmgren!!!!




.......is what we should be hearing if the game was not refereed by CROOKED FRIGEN ZEBRAS. First they take away a TD from Seattle, but then they give one to the Steelers and called a BULLSHIT holding call that would allowed Seattle to win. I thought there were measures put in place to make sure this crap does not happen. What has this game come to? Fixed!! Just bullshit. These referees should be taken out back and beaten with baseball bat. To take that away from Seattle, only because Steelers are a favorite. Theses zebras need hold their heads down in shame as they are pathetic human waste.




And in case you were needing a few ideas.........

1. Revenge on a dirty roommate - using a hairdryer blow flour or powder under their door to give everything an awesome white coat...

2. Revenge on a neighbor - write a nasty message on your target's lawn in weed killer, they'll never get rid of the bald patches...

3. Revenge on anyone who doesn't live with you - put gelatin down your target's toilet, in a few days it'll get solid...

4. When your roommate goes away, water his/her carpet and sow mustard and cress seeds for a lush shag pile...

5. Revenge on a neighbor - replace weed killer with plant food - they'll curse their green fingers...

6. Float unwrapped chocolate bars and toilet paper in your neighbor's pool...

7. Get as many alarm clocks as possible, set them for different times throughout the night and hide them on your roommate's room...

8. Fill your coworker's umbrella or coat hood with hole-punch waster, or even better four for a sudden blizzard...

9. Take your friend's bike, get a ladder and raise it over a lamppost so that it passes through the whole in the middle of the bike frame. Hide and witness their frustration...

10. Take your boyfriend's favorite clubbing shirt and use an ultraviolet pen and write what's on your mind, under any black light your message will appear...

11. Revenge on golfers - put dog crap in golf holes...

12. Make up elaborate flyers for a wild party at your enemy's home and wait for the guests to arrive...

13. Place a singles ad with your ex's phone number in newspapers and websites...

14. Subscribe your enemy to every form of junk mail you can lay your hands on, the more embarrassing the better...

15. Subscribe your ex to all sorts of weird sex magazines but send them to his neighbor's...



Falling Whale Blubber

I mean my god, what did you think was going to happen?

Funny Bear Commercial


A Classic

this one never gets old


Don't Smoke in Bed

never will again.

WTF - Commercial

can somebody explain this to me?

Weird Asian Game Show

and you thought we had weird game shows!

I-Go Soccer

now this looks like fun


Sad Day in Hollywood - Chris Penn foun dead

This is just horrible. Not sue how he died, have not completed the article.

I thought his performance in Reservoir Dogs and Starsky and Hutch were awesome!!!

He was only 40, even though several web sites calim he was 43.

For now here is the CNN story that told me.

Here is what IMDB has on it

He will be dearly missed. Will find some more info on him later.


Effective Birth Control Method

never thought of that!

Importance of Spell Check


Carrier Crash

this has been in at least 3 movies

Another Mig Crash

he got out just in time!!!!


I think this guy was promoted to the Bush administration

Bad Mig Crash

almost made it


loss of words

Mama, Mama, Mama always said to use a helmet


Best edit of Star Wars Kid

best version I have ever seen.....


Ninja Training Camp

These guys are AWESOME!!!


Cell Phones and Brain Tumors - No Link

Well I guess I can start using a cell phone again!


Old School!!!!

break it old man!

Dumb Antelope



What old people do for fun

why didn't I think of that!!!

B-Boy of the YEAR!!!

this guy is simply amazing
