
Death of the Internet

Well I had a long post typed out by F%$@* Internet Explorer decided to prompt me and ask me if I want to allow pop ups for this site after I hit spell check button, I say yes and all my data in that page was gone. So this is bascially what I said. (another reason to use Firefox over IE)

Greed has hit an all time low. They are trying to pass a law to allow ISP companies do dictact whoes web site pulls up faster or at all. Right now YOU have the right to see what ever site your heart desires. But if this passes YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO. You will only see the sites that have paid big money to your ISP. It is amazing, every person supporting is getting paid out of this deal. You don't hear anybody who does't stand to make millions off of this telling you this is a good idea. What good can come out of this other than some companies making MORE millions. Did they all of a sudden go broke and now need some quick way making cash? Or is it just the fact that greed has consumed these people so much that they would kill the essence of the internet. It would kill the american dream for small business who want to start their pressence on the internet. Now they will have to take out a loan just to have their site seen. There is NO motivation for good on this move, just greed. It seems like they are trying to claim that they extra money made will go to "upgrading" the "creaky" internet. YEAH RIGHT. Will go straight in their pockets. The people will never seen this money in use unless they have a nice view of their new yatch!!!!


And please don't read into the BS of this guy - Who is paying off this idiot?

Death to corperate greed.
Long live the Internet.

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